Here Today, Gone Tomorrow…

Had a terrible shock on the way to the market yesterday afternoon, but before that shock came crashing down my patience was put to the test and not in a good way. A large crowd had formed on the corner completely blocking the sidewalk, so much so that I actually couldn’t get by. And just before my darker side made plans to rear its dim head… the side where I tell these people to “Make some room here!!!”… I noticed a little dog that wasn’t with its owner. Where’s Joey? I thought… the homeless guy I’ve known for years who always claims this spot along with this dog. Then I saw the flowers and candles on the ground and the written tributes that were taped to the wall of a building, and realized that Joey had died and was no more. And all I could think at that point was (along with an obvious sadness), I just saw him a few days ago and nothing seemed any worse for wear with his health. But when I questioned the crowd around me, the size of which was testimony to just how much this man had touched this neighborhood’s psyche, the consensus seemed to be, “He just died!” He just died? Jesus! Talk about “here today and gone tomorrow”! Fortunately a woman had the dog on a leash promising that she would take care of it, but I’m sure that dog was just as shocked as I was. And as sad.

So as a tribute to my late friend, I thought I’d link (this former post) that best describes the character of little Joey. In fact, Big Joey I should say given that “character”.

Rest in peace, my friend, til we meet again!

The Scribbler

9 thoughts on “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow…

  1. Alain: I’m glad you mentioned the dog because seeing him on a leash gave me real comfort. Of course he’ll miss Joey but at least he’ll have a warm home now.

    Comrade: Thanks, Bro.

  2. Irishirritant

    Thanks, Scrib,
    Sorry you lost a pal. Your story was spot on, a little humility and gratitude goes a long way.

  3. Irish: “Humility and gratitude” for sure, and a healthy case of honesty which those bartenders didn’t know from.

    Marty: Thanks, man, and thanks for stopping by.

  4. Anonymoustache: R.I.P. and amen… Thanks, old friend.

    MikeQ: I do know that and am still working on it. Also “great to see you back here” in Comments.
    Cheers, man, and thanks!

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